Book Review: Hurry Home by Roz Nay

Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this early in exchange for an honest review

Hurry Home is pegged as a psychological thriller by author Roz Nay.

It centers around sisters Alex and Ruth, who had a troubled relationship as teenagers and have been estranged for a decade. Alex leads what seems to be the perfect life - social worker, attractive, long term boyfriend and a nice home. Ruth is portrayed as being the mess. She's had jail time, bad boyfriends and shows back up in Alex's life pregnant.

Roz Nay did a great job detailing how a family tragedy changes people. She gave us a great look into how the family dynamic changed and what trauma can do to a young person.

That said, it was boring. I found this book incredibly dull and a little predictable. There were times when you were questioning who the "villain" was, and the occasional moment of an unpredictable narrator, but it didn't feel like anything more than a family drama. I was over halfway through the book when it started to pick up a bit more, but I was really underwhelmed by it all.

As a family drama, I think it checks the boxes. But as a psychological thriller, it just doesn't stack up for me.

Final score: 2.5/5
