Triwizard Tournament Readathon: The Second Task

Congratulations, Champions! You made it past your dragon safely, and have collected the Golden Egg!

Now that we have the egg, we found out what has been taken.

Beauxbatons: Sibling (read a book about siblings)
Durmstrang: Friend (read a book about friendship)
Hogwarts: Significant Other (read a book with romance)

Once you know what was taken, you must pick a method!

Gillyweed: Gillyweed will allow you to breathe and move underwater, read a book with water on the cover.
Bubble-Head Charm: This charm gives you a continuous supply of oxygen, read a book set in space where this charm could also be useful.
Transfiguration: Partially transfigure yourself into a sea creature by reading a book about a sea creature

I've decided to lighten my load this time around and only have two books. I may end up doing three, but I just haven't decided yet as of right now.

What was taken: Significant Other
Book: Sorcery of Thorns

Method: Gillyweed (read a book with water on the cover)
Book: Crown of Coral and Pearl

The second task begins on Monday, November 25 and ends December 1st.
