November Wrap-Up

Bye, November! 

What a crazy reading month! I just started really getting back into reading in October, so I decided to push myself in November and I think I succeeded! I took part in two readathons, read eleven books and did not finish (DNF) four.

November didn't go to plan, because there really wasn't a plan. I decided to try a readathon and I quickly fell down the reading rabbit hole. How did I read 10 books?! It wasn't like they were little guys either. The smallest was 208 pages, and that was a manga. Most were 400+ pages, so I'm super proud of myself, especially since only 4/10 books were re-reads, so jumping headfirst into new releases was pretty scary.

So much good happened. I found lots of new books I adore, I joined Twitter and have met some wonderful people, AND I was given some ARCs (advance reader copies)! I have less than 50 twitter followers and (barely) a blog, so to say that I was flabbergasted is an understatement. A couple of the books I hadn't heard of and thought sounded interesting, but the big whammy for me was the fact that I was approved for Heart of Flames by Nicki Pau Preto. If you've read my Crown of Feathers review you'll know how much I adored that book, so being chosen to read Heart of Flames actually had me walking around going "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN" for the afternoon. I will have reviews for all the books I was given once I read them.

I'm really looking forward to December now. The holidays are coming, new books are being released and I have a whole list of books being read!

How did your November reading go? Did you find some new books or cozy up with some old favorites?

Books Read:

The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Preto
Once and For All by Sarah Dessen
Crown of Coral and Pearl by Mara Rutherford
The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh
Uzumaki vol. 1 by Junji Ito
Emperor Mage by Tamora Pierce
Realm of The Gods by Tamora Pierce
To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo (audiobook)


The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco
Eldest by Christopher Paolini
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson (novel, not graphic)

Total Stats:

Books Read: 10
Pages Read: 3,879
Books DNF: 4
Readathons: 2
